Müfredat Adı | Ders Kodu | Ders Adı | Ders Türü | Dönem | AKTS | Teorik | Uygulama |
2020-Bilgisayar Mühendisliği (İngilizce) -Anadal | BUS1003 | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Zorunlu | 2 | 3,00 | 2 | 0 |
Müfredat Adı | Ders Kodu | Ders Adı | Ders Türü | Dönem | AKTS | Teorik | Uygulama |
2020-Bilgisayar Mühendisliği (İngilizce) -Anadal | BUS1003 | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Zorunlu | 2 | 3,00 | 2 | 0 |
The overall aim of the course is to create within you the idea that someone has to concentrate on wealth creation and job creation within the context of market economies. You will be guided with a tool that is called “Quicklook,” which is designed to analyze a new technologies market potential. You will have an opportunity to create your “BIG IDEA” with your classmates as team members. The final project are for the teams to present their “BIG IDEA” to the class.
Entrepreneurship and innovation are the principal source of jobs and wealth in market economies. This course is concern with entrepreneurship, with a special emphasis on technology transfer and wealth creation. Technology transfer is the process of taking innovations out of laboratories and finding commercial applications for those technologies. Although we will look at all kinds of entrepreneurship, the focus of the group project is on technology transfer and new venture development. The course is also concern with explaining “how” entrepreneurship takes place as well as “why” it takes place. The “how” of new venture development is related to the entrepreneurial process (innovation, technology transfer assessment, business plans, fund raising, launching of the enterprise, and the harvest or selling of the enterprise)?
1. Richard C. Dorf and Thomas H. Byers, Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise 2. Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, Business Model Generation 3. Gary Hoover, The Art of Enterprise and can be downloaded for $10 from the link below http://www.scribd.com/doc/25085990/The-Art-of-Enterprise-by-Gary-Hoover-January-2010
Hafta | Teorik |
1 | Yarı Yıl Sonu Sınavı |
2 | sunumlar |
3 | Sunumlar |
4 | Çevresel gözden geçirme |
5 | Çevresel gözden geçirme |
6 | Girşimcilik için kaynaklar |
7 | Girşimcilik için kaynaklar |
8 | Yenilikçilik ve fırsat |
9 | Yenilikçilik ve fırsat |
10 | Ara Sınav Haftası |
11 | İş planı geliştirme |
12 | İş planı geliştirme |
13 | Girişimcilik süreci |
14 | Girişimcilik süreci |
15 | Birey olarak girişimci |
16 | Birey olarak girişimci |
17 | Temel girişimcilik kavramına giriş |
Değerlendirme | Değer |
Yarıyıl (Yıl) İçi Etkinlikleri | 60 |
Yarıyıl (Yıl) Sonu Etkinlikleri | 40 |
Yarıyıl (Yıl) Sonu Etkinlikleri | Değer |
Final Sınavı | 100 |
Etkinlikler | Sayısı | Süresi (saat) | Toplam İş Yükü (saat) |
Arasınav ve Hazırlığı | 2 | 25 | 50 |
Final ve Hazırlığı | 1 | 25 | 25 |
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