Müfredat Adı | Ders Kodu | Ders Adı | Ders Türü | Dönem | AKTS | Teorik | Uygulama |
2020-Bilgisayar Mühendisliği (İngilizce) -Anadal | MRK3082 | Integrated Marketing Communication | Zorunlu | 2 | 3,00 | 2 | 0 |
Müfredat Adı | Ders Kodu | Ders Adı | Ders Türü | Dönem | AKTS | Teorik | Uygulama |
2020-Bilgisayar Mühendisliği (İngilizce) -Anadal | MRK3082 | Integrated Marketing Communication | Zorunlu | 2 | 3,00 | 2 | 0 |
Integrated Marketing Communication Course is designed to provide both engineering students or non-engineering students with a basic understanding of how and why smart marketers are making efforts to integrate different types of communication (traditional media, digital media, social media and event marketing). The course will basically give a solid background to enable engineering students to promote their products/brands and services in the future
Traditional Media, Digital Media, Social Media( Facebook, Twitter, Instagram..vb.), Consumer Segmentation, Advertising and Promotion, Event Marketing, PR Management, IMC Budgeting, Media ROI, Shoppper Marketing
Belch, George E. and Michael A. Belch (2000), Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 5th Ed. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill. (Or 6th Ed.)
Hafta | Teorik |
1 | Introduction to the course |
2 | What is the role of creativity and innovation in |
3 | Dynamics that underlie creative thinking |
4 | Becoming creatively fit as an individual |
5 | - Creative insight: Why do good ideas come to us when they do? - Idea evaluation: What to do with generated ideas - Creative insight: Why do good ideas come to us when they do? - Idea evaluation: What to do with generated ideas - Creative insight: Why do good ideas come to us when they do? - Idea evaluation: What to do with generated ideas Creative insight: Why do good ideas come to us when they do? |
6 | Team – Creativity in Teams |
7 | Teams, the Environment, and Creativity |
8 | Ara Sınav Haftası |
9 | Environment: Climate for creativity in an |
10 | Creativity to innovation, Innovation – What’s Involved |
11 | Innovation: Competitive advantage and the category-maturity life cycle |
12 | Guest speaker |
13 | Innovation: - Thinking about Innovation Differently - The Role of Champions Innovation: a) Thinking about Innovation Differently , b)The Role of Champions |
14 | Innovation - Commercializing an Innovation |
15 | Guest speaker |
16 | How to create your projet |
17 | Projects |
Değerlendirme | Değer |
Yarıyıl (Yıl) İçi Etkinlikleri | 60 |
Yarıyıl (Yıl) Sonu Etkinlikleri | 40 |
Yarıyıl (Yıl) Sonu Etkinlikleri | Değer |
Final Sınavı | 100 |
Etkinlikler | Sayısı | Süresi (saat) | Toplam İş Yükü (saat) |
Ödev ve Hazırlığı | 2 | 5 | 10 |
Sunum ve Hazırlığı | 1 | 15 | 15 |
Arasınav ve Hazırlığı | 2 | 15 | 30 |
Final ve Hazırlığı | 1 | 20 | 20 |